A new Panorama's Edition – Milena Georgieva's "The Language of Flowers"

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This challenging edition of Panorama's, which we have been thinking about and working on for almost two years, since the late spring of 2022, is now a reality.  But we are satisfied and grateful to the author, M. Georgieva for her trust, as well as to the National Culture Fund, without whose support, within the framework of a larger BTU project, this event would not have been realized. We have taken this step also as an expression of deep respect to prof. Emilia Staicheva, a dedicated member of the BTU and its President for two terms until 2016, a German philologist dedicated to translation between cultures, not only between languages, and - in this case not without significance - the granddaughter of Anna Hähn-Jossifoff - the heroine of M. Georgieva's monograph. Anna Hähn-Jossifoff came to Bulgaria because of her love at the end of the 19th century, but quickly came to recognise it as her second homeland, where her main creative activity took place. Still lifes with flowers are more than traditional painting, designated for the masses, and in the case of Anna Jossifoff they also became the means of dialogue and europeanization of the Bulgarian cultural environment in the early decades of the 20th century. Read more in the book! The designer of the bilingual edition is Kalina Dimitrova, the German translation is by Gabi Tiemann, but we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts to the whole, almost 10-member-team on this part of the project!